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Partial dentures

Do you still have some, but not all, of your natural teeth?

A partial denture replaces one or more missing natural teeth and is customized to a patient’s individual needs. Removable partial dentures restore a person’s natural appearance and greatly improve the ability to chew and speak clearly.

Type and style of partial dentures

There can be many possible combinations of missing teeth. Our Denturist will approach each situation on a case by case basis. Using current technological advancements, she can offer a wide variety of partial denture designs and materials to solve each individual’s oral situation. Missing teeth should not be ignored.

The benefits of partial dentures Partial dentures are designed to be removable for ease of cleaning. A partial denture will prevent your natural teeth from shifting. In fact, a partial denture may help maintain the position of your natural teeth.

The benefits of partial dentures include:

  • Less Invasive : Having partial dentures designed is a relatively seamless procedure and is a substantially more affordable alternative to dental implants.

  • Comfortable : For patients with missing teeth, partial dentures help them achieve a natural lifestyle, as they restore comfort when eating, chewing, and speaking.

  • Natural-Looking : Partial dentures help patients achieve a natural-looking smile that they can feel confident about.

  • Protection : With the gaps in a patient’s mouth filled by partial dentures, they will avoid issues caused by shifting teeth, trapped food particles, and bacteria, while helping to prevent gum disease.

Partial Cast Frame Dentures

Cast frame serves as reinforcement for the denture base, stabilizing the whole structure. Cast metal clasps together with occlusal rests help to achieve denture retention, stability and support.

Immediate Dentures

Placed at the same visit of teeth extraction, immediate dentures help to maintain a patient’s appearance, speech, and mastication. As well, they effectively preserve bone structure and enhance the healing process.