Gem Dentures & Implant Center

New Patients


You're in great hands

We make sure all our new patients feel welcome, safe, and taken care of. During your first visit, our denturist will review your dental and medical history. From there, she will explain any issues and help you choose the right solution for your individual needs.

Book your free consultation now

Why Choose Gem Dentures?

Replacing your natural teeth is more than trusting someone with your smile. Your appearance and your entire image are at stake. The literal meaning of the word Denturist is “one who makes dentures”. Making dentures is our focus, our denturist will devote lots of time and attention to the design and fabrication of your denture. Having in house lab makes on going adjustments to your denture fast and accurate in order to make sure you are completely satisfied and comfortable.

Our Denturist is an expert – a specialist in the design, construction, fitting and adjustment of complete and removable partial dentures, as well as overdentures on implants.

Denturists study the clinical and technical aspects of removable dentures and general health longer than any other oral health care practitioner. The College of Denturists of Ontario acknowledges that Denturists are “Denture Specialists”.

Anyone can consult a Denturist without a referral from another health care professional. We will provide the most cost and time-effective denture treatment. Most work is performed on the premises by our Denturist. This ensures quality of care is consistent and personal.

Our expertise and professionalism make us the best possible choice to help you derive the maximum benefit from the most advanced denture technology.

Most Denturists’ fees are covered by dental plans, Veterans Affairs, Social Services, NIHB and other private insurance companies. If you have a dental plan, ask your Denturist to assist you in determining what specific services are covered.

If you do not have a regular dentist or need a referral to an oral surgeon, your Denturist will be happy to refer you to the appropriate practitioner.

We will make special arrangements for home or hospital visits.

If your dentures are more than five years old, make an appointment to talk with your Denturist. You can improve your appearance, self-confidence and possibly your health with quality replacement dentures.


We accept all insurance plans